Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011 Hamburg, PA 91 miles

Leaving early today (6:20), we were routed thru a beautiful residential area of Erie. I’m talking about “high cotton” - large mansions on sweeping lots. Then, thru downtown around the square where the imposing courthouse is located. We followed SR5 Alt. and then SR5 for 70 miles until we picked up Lake Shore Rd., then Pleasant Rd., until we reached the outskirts of Hamburg and the Super 8 where we’re staying tonight. Ellen is my roommate.
Barb is back home!

At about mile 24 (8:30) we crossed into New York state, the ninth state so far (margaritas tonight). Last night in PA, we each had a little champagne to celebrate our one night in that state. As we continued around Lake Erie today, the lake seemed to get prettier and prettier.  
I took a picture of an old lighthouse in Barcelona and several pics of the lake, which I’m sure will not do it justice. The water color is a beautiful emerald green. We’ve spent four days along the lake and never got tired of seeing it OR the lakeside homes (modest and mansions). We breezed thru the towns of Barcelona, Dunkirk and Silver Creek. Had lunch at a grocery store in the latter - shared a turkey sub with Connie. Peg and I soon parted company with Connie and Linda as they wanted to go at a slower pace. We passed by Frank Lloyd Wright’s Grey Cliff estate but didn’t stop. As I recall, we were flying down a hill when we saw the sign. Others did stop, but it wasn’t open until 2:00 for tours. Again, though, there were many mansions along this section of Lake Shore Rd. Also, I noticed several church camps and conference centers on the lake side. St. Benedict Monastery was just east of Erie and much later, St. Columban Conference Center.

Peg and I got into a little of Hamburg but did not get a hamburger!  She was unsuccessful in getting to a bike shop (closed on Monday), but we were successful in finding a strawberry lemonade at DQ. Yum. . . We had great weather today and good tailwinds. For a 90 mile day, it was enjoyable, pretty, and relatively easy. I think I’m stronger!  :))

Menu tonight:  Beef Stroganoff on noodles, Green Salad w/snow peas, cherry tomatoes, etc., Fr. bread with avocada spread (or plain), Cookies and left-over pie.  Really good dinner.


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